Rebuilding lives after spinal cord injury.

About Us

NYC Spinal members enjoying a baseball game.

NYC Spinal: Rebuilding Lives

Spinal cord injuries happen in an instant and the resulting impact can be devastating as survivors and their families face physical, emotional and financial challenges that often seem impossible to overcome. NYC Spinal exists to provide survivors of spinal cord injury with the tools that they need to maximize their independence and rebuild their lives.

Building a strong support network is the key to a successful recovery after spinal cord injury. Although each injury is unique, many people experience similar challenges. Having ready access to peer support can help speed the transition back into the community and provide practical answers for the everyday problems that arise from living with a spinal cord injury.

Who are we?

NYC Spinal is an affiliate chapter of United Spinal Association, the largest organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with SCI/D in the United States, a nationwide network that includes:

  • 100,000+ wheelchair users
  • 50+ chapters and 180 support groups
  • 100+ rehab facilities and hospital partners.

Our chapter was founded in 2003 as a stand-alone 501(c)3 non-profit (EIN 32-0072812) to provide peer support and social connection for people with spinal cord injuries at a major NYC rehab center. Today our 1,100+ members serve the entire Greater New York community by sharing knowledge, promoting SCI awareness and injury prevention, advocating for disability rights and providing financial assistance and emotional support to survivors of spinal cord injury and their families.

When you signup for our newsletter, we consider you to be part of the NYC Spinal family and an official Chapter member. We’ll update you on local events, advocacy issues, research studies, and items of interest to our community – but we promise not to make pests of ourselves!

If you are interested in connecting with our national partners at United Spinal Association, national membership is also available, free of charge to anyone 18 years or older; learn more here.